Wednesday 18 July 2018

Day 3 - June 20th 2018 Vancouver to Mission

Today's ride started two blocks from the ferry and if you think we skimped by not starting at the ferry, we did get lost and climbed more height and cycled more distance than from the ferry to our hotel.  If you are ever looking for a hotel when you are either getting off or on the ferry, Horseshoe Bay offers a location only twenty minutes from downtown Vancouver with the feel of a small resort town.  

We cycled on Marine Drive over to Stanley Park and rode enough through the park to get a few pictures.  We would occasionally be passed by people riding to work who were probably shaking their heads at these slow cross Canada riders delaying their commute.  We then left the park and rode down Alberni Street to a cross road and then over to West Hastings.  It was then another 75 km on mostly this street though it changed names and we had a couple zigs and zags before we arrived in Mission.  Similar to my career where I worked 31 years in one department though it changed names and had me move twice.

A few parts of today's ride were less than tranquil because the shoulder seemed too narrow and the trucks too close.  I think the city riding is nearing an end and it will feel like the open road tomorrow.

Past rides in BC have featured black berries hanging from the bush but this was in July and August.  The bushes are currently loaded with blooms and today I saw a single red berry so I don’t think we will get any black berries on this ride.

Day three did not have an ice cream stop but we did buy a litre of PC Ice Cream and though the quality was only very good, the quantity was excellent with RJD and JG lying quietly on the beds trying to assimilate the calories.  RJD’s Garmin told us today was a 2500 calorie day so not quite up to what awaits us but respectable just the same.

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