Saturday 25 February 2017


Today's alarm was set for 6:30 am to ensure I had plenty of time to meet up with the private snorkel excursion with Woodwind Bonaire. Mom and LC met me and the three of us ate breakfast in the Lido at 7 am. Around 7:30 am we took time to watch the process of docking the ship - a very interesting process!  I returned to my room to do final preparations for my snorkelling and at 8:15 I discovered I was to be at the meeting point at 8:20!  Yikes!  How did I miss that?  I thought 8:45 was the designated meeting time!

So I grabbed my already packed backpack and my ship card and raced off the ship!  I hurriedly ran down the pier to meet up with the group and learned there were others behind me so I took the time to stop at the bathroom. My two cruise critic friends fom Florida welcomed me and brought me up to speed to learn I had missed nothing.  

Owner Dee welcomed the 24 guests on board the Woodwind Bonaire ship - well maybe catamaran is a better term!  She reviewed snorkelling basics and signals. We were each divided into 3 groups and partnered with a leader of each small group.  We all the option of wearing a wetsuit or an SPF shirt. Woodwind Bonaire also offers prescription masks from -1 to - 8 corrective lenses. I had my own mask and snorkel but borrowed some fins from Dee. I was partnered with Dee in the third group, partly because I was a solo traveller. 

Dee would get our attention above water then free size down and point up close to the marine life, then resurface to tell us about the animal or plant. She identified hawksbill turtle ( out of season now as their season is May through January), barracuda, snapper, parrot fish and a whole host of other ocean life. 
 We completed took two drift dives around Klein Bonaire. Drifting is very easy in that th current moves you along as it will and the. Out picks you up perhaps 45 minutes or an hour later. Klein bonaire s a protected marine park where there will never be any development. There was also a photographer snorkelling with us that took pictures of the fish and the snorkellera. You could buy a CD from him for $35. I saved my money!

I was pleasantly surprised to see they served us a lunch of noodles, chicken and veggies along with some cake after our second snorkel. I drank several glasses of water and a sprite - but there were alcoholic options available complimentary. Total cost of the tour was $65 US (plus cash tips are appreciated at the end). 

The tour ended no sooner than 12:45 and that was exactly the meetig time of the complimentary excursion. For a number of reasons I decided to give it a pass. One reason was in my haste I forgot to grab a dry shirt and towel so I was a bit cool after boating on the return. 

Instead I stopped at a beach front bar and ordered a virgin piña Coloda to get some free wifi and catch up on emails that require attention. Sounds like it's snowing at home. 

Upon returning to the ship, I ran into LC who was leaving the ship to go do a little shopping. She and Mom had done a trolley tour through town that didn't go far and wide but gave them a brief overview. I turned around and joined LC looking at some local shops. The Elements jewellery store had a better selection of earrings than did the shop in the Domican Republic. 

As we walked around the little market the heat of the day was very evident. LC and I stopped for a cool drink at a little bar by the market ( maybe it was called Abu noobi)?  There LC had a bottle of water and I had a pineapple juice for $4.75 total and wifi seemed pretty fast once we actually logged on. 

I was crying for a shower by that point so was happy to return to the ship about 4 pm.  Service in the dining room with Sulton and Marga was very attentive, if not one of my favourite dishes. I found the red snapper too dry for my liking - maybe I swallowed too much  salt water while snorkelling and that affected my taste buds!

The dancers were kept very busy with their performance of Musicology. On the backstage tour yesterday, I learned these dancers and singers are getting off the ship in Fort Lauderdale after this cruise as there contracts are up!  We will get to see their final performances.

LC and I were tired so we all retuired to the verandah room where I typed the blog, LC did some organizing and Mom watched the Big Band Theory. 

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