Wednesday 1 March 2017

Last Day at Sea

I awoke this morning with a phone call from LC advising me we had not moved our clocks back and it was indeed 8 am instead of 7 am. My sister had helpfully reminded me last night that we got an extra hour of sleep - only she was a day ahead of schedule!  I felt particularly groggy because I had taken a gravol to help me sleep - it was particularly rough at midnight last night when the movie ended. 

So off to the dining room we went for one final leisurely breakfast. Today is Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday) so Mom and I had pancakes for breakfast. 

Today there was a rather light offering of organized activities onboard the ship - that allowed ample time to pack up bags getting ready for our impending departure tomorrow. Instead Mom, LC and I went to the Lido deck for a swim and a hot tub in the morning. 

I attended Mariner's lunch in the dining room with Captain Emile de Vries (I and a few hundred other people)!  It was a lovely lunch which offered free champagne if that appeals to you. LC and I then went to a travel presentation entitled Travels with Ian on the World Stage. Our new Port Lecturer shared pictures of sites to see around the world. 

We then walked 3 laps for a mile around deck 3. We then collected Mom from the stateroom to go for a slushy drink around the pool and enjoy our last day!

One last supper in the dining room, a movie around the pool and a duelling pianos set at 9 pm and we were all done!

Our wonderful privileged vacation has come to an end. We are so very fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend such memorable family time together. We are blessed. 

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