Sunday 4 January 2015

Flying Home

We managed to have one more buffet breakfast before we caught the 7:30 am shuttle to the airport. Eleven people on our tour were on that bus , the others will be on the 5:00 am or 11 am bus.

Lining up in Central America is unlike North American airports. Security took about 30 minutes but then we had to clear a second security checkpoint to enter our gate 32- this was specific to US. Bound planes. Might I also add there was no air conditioning or bathrooms or food once you passed the second checkpoint!  

What I was most surprised about was the inadequate number of seats for everyone boarding the Aircraft. I'd say probably 40% of the passengers had seats- the rest were standing. I would have expected somebody would have offered their seat to my 84 year old Mother in Law, but J suggested she just looked too young!

Here we are crowded at gate 32 in Panama City!

Once we arrived in Houston we had a very long layover at the airport of 7 hours before we could catch a 7:45 flight home. One previous flight has already been cancelled so we hope ours won't be too!

Well it wasn't cancelled but it was delayed. Seven hours became eight and we took off at 8:30 pm. Now I know why we overnighted in Houston on the way down to Panama City!  Pretty ugly connections to travel by air, but at least we are not travelling by car!

Okay so maybe I was a bit premature in writing that last paragraph as we just heard they have a "weight imbalance issue" with the plane , code for overbooked!  They need 20 volunteers to get off the flight!  We held firm despite the $650 travel voucher and free hotel room. If Air Canada had offered that 7 hours ago I might have accepted!  

We held our breath as they announced the names of the lucky passengers who were bumped when they didn't have enough volunteers. We can exhale - we weren't called. So now we wait to see if we actually walk on the plane now!

And it proved to be a three hour wait to sort out who is on the plane and who is off. Air Canada didn't win any customer service awards tonight. Even once they bumped 20 people and loaded the rest of us on, they were still "overweight for the winds" we expected this trip. So they told another 5 people to get off the plane. The mother seated in front of us with her three teenagers was livid when she was asked to get off the plane. So instead of departing at 7:45 pm we departed at 10:45 pm - about 10 hours after we arrived at the Houston airport. By my count there are about 35 passengers on board this plane tonight with 25 empty seats. Go figure. 

So we are arrived at the airport at 2:10 am local time Monday morning but that is 4:10 am to us. One further complication is a plane is parked at our gate - many delayed flights were grounded in our home city due to the blustery winds and cold weather. We still have to collect baggage, clear customs and taxi home - at least another hour.  The Captain sounded weary in his welcome saying he hoped they would find a gate for us and we could finally end this flight. 

I need to get some sleep! Two things make me feel better. One - there were people filling the seats at the gate when we got off the plane - that means their flight was cancelled and they are spending the night at the airport. Two- there was a lineup at 3:20 am to catch a taxi!  A 15 minute long lineup!  Can you believe it!

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