Thursday 1 January 2015

Embers Indian Village and Vera Cruz

Today we left the Gamboa Rainforest after two glorious nights!

I'll miss this view from my balcony!

We took a 10 minute boat ride down the Chagres River to see the Embera Indian Village. It is a village of about 50 people that functions without electricity. We were treated to a lesson of their society in the carving of wood and weaving of baskets. The discussion was translated from Spanish to English by our guide. 

The Embera danced for us too and both P and J got up and danced when asked!

P and J outside a family hut. 

We travelled back down the river by boat and had a wonderful view for lunch on the Chagres River. 

After lunch we boarded the bus to head to the Vera Cruz area to go the Westin all inclusive resort for two nights. For the first time this trip, we were given adjoining rooms!

Once we arrived E said that she was really quite tired. I told her that her timing was perfect as we have nothing scheduled for the next day and a half!  She was happy to read in the room while P and J and I went for a walk along the beach, then for a swim. 

The Westin hotel is in the background here. 

After I showered and changed I invited E to go sit and enjoy an open air view overlooking the ocean. We had a lovely visit enjoying the fresh air. Our room has a balcony but we are overlooking the back of the hotel opposite the ocean. 

This resort is huge so when we ran into fellow single Caravan guest Diane, we asked if she would like to join us for supper. She was delighted to be asked and we had entertaining conversation all through dinner!

Will enjoy a good night of sleep tonight!

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