Saturday 27 September 2014

Orlando Here We Come!

Today P and I will be joining his Dad in Orlando for a fun escape. J has a conference in Orlando and I thought that was just too fun a destination to pass up!  As JG is now a first year university student,  is being responsible and staying home!  I think living alone for a week will be a good life experience  - like he was living on his own for real! JG - "No wild parties, do you hear?"

So we only packed carry on bags for this trip. I LOVE my little carry on with 4 wheels!  It is strong enough to take the load of my personal item too ( loaded w books and a computer for P to do homework) while I push it all over the aiport!

We hopped on the Magical Express coach as soon as we got off our flight. This is a complimentary shuttle service to take you to any of Disney's resorts. It is a great value added for us that we appreciate. J is arriving on a later flight so he will be taking a later coach. Disney might be losing money on this deal since we are only staying at the Pop Century resort for one night!

So we checked in to a small room in the 90's building. Rooms start in the 50's and work up each decade to the 90's. This is where Disney made up their money with us as we were in the farthest building from check-in. Lovely warm night air and lots to see enroute made for a delightful walk. See some of the pictures.  We walked back to the main building for dinner just as the fireworks were bursting forth. P has cheese pizza and the deluxe brownie for dessert !  I had chicken and pasta and raw carrots. 

Happily settled in our room now awaiting J to join us late tonight.

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