Sunday 28 September 2014

Disney Day 1

So J did arrive safely at our room last night at 12:30 am. P and I were sleeping so quickly dropped his his bags and joined us. Seven am was a wee bit early for Peter so we snoozed till 7:30. After breakfast we dropped our bags at luggage services and were walking to a shuttle to take us to Animal Kingdom. It was then that one of realized realized they were not wearing their magicband - which acts as both room key and park admission ticket.   Good thing we weren't already standing at the Animal Kingdom
gates after our bus ride.

Once we acquired said magicband, we took a shuttle to Animal Kingdom arriving 30 minutes after the park opened instead of our usual 30 minutes I'm advance!  Our first ride was Kali River Rapids and I got soaking wet - as did P!  So good that it was humid and 30 C to help dry us out!

Expedition Everest is a roller coaster that goes backwards and forwards in the dark and outside.  We then visited Kilmanjaro Safaris - my favourite, because it is like a real safari in Africa - something that is on my bucket list.  I dragged my boys to see "Finding Nemo" the musical and we squeezed in two visits of Dinosaur (Like the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland) before lunch.  Lunch was eaten at Flame Tree barbecue - I had the salad, J the turkey sandwich and P a half roast chicken.  Tasty.  We visited the Kali River rapids again to get wet and cool down in the heat of the day.

By 4 pm we were tired out and decided to take the shuttle to Downtown Disney to have table service dinner.  We were thrilled to find the Tratorria Italian restaurant.  P had gnocchi, J a pasta dish and I, the mahi mahi.

Another shuttle back to the Pop Century hotel and we collected our luggage.  Then boarded a taxi for the Rosen Shingle Creek conference centre where we are staying for J's conference.  Lovely hotel - John says the beds are comfortable.  I must retire for the night!

In the first picture - P is posing with the Ghiradelli chocolate sundae that we all shared for dessert after supper.
I am posing in picture 2 with P to show just how tall he is at age 14!  But I really like the intricate carvings in the tree in the background.

P's favourite ride, "Expedition Everest"is seen in the background of P & J in picture 3.  In picture 4,  J & P are acting like monkeys seen right behind their heads!

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