Thursday 29 June 2023

Day 9 Bergen, Norway

We were awakened by the Captain this morning at 6 am, not announcing that we were cleared to disembark, rather to scold the passengers who were feeding the birds from their balcony. The Captain said these passengers were to stop feeding the birds immediately and that it what they were doing was illegal. Sheesh!!!  Really?  You need to be told that?

So at 7 am we actually got out up, ate breakfast and disembarked by 8:15 am. Our plan was to walk to the base of the Mount Floyen Funicular. The funicular is kind of like a gondola but operates like a train that goes up the mountain and offers a great view of the city and surrounding area of Bergen. 

Once at the top we enjoyed the vantage point and took pictures of some of the local goats that reside in the area.  You could buy a ticket to descend but we chose to follow the 3 km path on foot to get back to the city centre. 

View of Bergen (and the goats) from the top of the Funicular!

Once back in town, we caught a taxi to the town of Salhus to visit the Textile Museum called Museum Senterer. It was a departure from the typical tourist attractions. JG had found it online - and  we were happy to join one other couple from the Netherlands on the tour. The mill made Salhus an industrial port beginning about 1860. The wool yarn factory continued until about 1989. It is now a textile museum.  JG bought a Norwegian wool sweater as his souvenir of this vacation.

Our guide Helma explaining one of the machines at the Textile Museum!

We then travelled by two buses back to the port of Bergen. The all aboard time was 3:30 pm. We enjoyed dinner up at the Surf side buffet at around 5 pm and saw beautiful views departing from Bergen. 

We had tickets to The Price is Right Live tonight. They did an excellent job recreating the game show on the stage. We had lots of fun cheering and laughing (and no our names were not called). We then enjoyed the comedy movie The Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock on the TV. 

Heading to bed at about 10:30 pm and the sky is still very light. Sunset is supposed to be about 11:25 pm tonight with sunrise tomorrow at 3:44 am!!

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