Wednesday 27 May 2015

Animal Kingdom

So it was early wake up call today - 6:10 am, because we were trying to be at the gates to Animal Kingdom before they opened at 8 am!  We arrived at 7:55 am and the gates were already open and people were streaming through!

LC and I headed straight to Kilmanjaro Safaris where we simulated an African Safari!  We spotted hippos, lions, giraffes, zebras and a number of exotic animals with names that escape me now!!  The Pangani Forest Exploration trail allowed for great close up views of mountain gorillas. 

The Lion King musical is so worth the visit!  Great music - thank you Sir Elton John - with fabulous acrobatics, costumes and stage effects!

The huge tree is in the centre of Animal Kingdom like the castle is in the centre of the Magic Kingdom. 

After lunch we experienced the biggest disappointment of Animal Kingdom!  We had stood in line for 30 minutes to ride Dinosaur (the equivalent ride to Indiana Jones in Disneyland).  Just as we were about to step onto the ride, the attendant told us to wait, then instructed the entire line of people to evacuate the building!  People stood in disbelief and refused to turn around immediately but eventually followed instructions. It seemed paltry compensation to be offered a Fastpass as we were leaving the park to visit Hollywood Studios in the next half hour!

We never heard what happened with the ride but we paid it forward. As we left the park, we gave our fast passes to a pair of  newlyweds (with matching purple hair LC noticed)!

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