Tuesday 30 December 2014

Panama City to Colon to Gatun Locks

This morning we packed up our bags and had them outside the door at 7 am. A porter came along and collected them and we ate breakfast. As I ventured over to the boys room I met another caravan traveller. She was hauling out her second suitcase outside and said "I hope this is our earliest start of the trip!"  Glad we packed our bags last night. That is one of the challenges of bus touring rather than cruising - we are constantly re packing bags!

We loaded onto the bus by 8:30 am and lose wifi - so wanted to post letting you know our plans. Today we visit the Gatun Locks and cruise on Gatun Lake - the huge lake man made for the Panama Canal!  Then off to the rainforest tonight!

I like this picture of P and his Grandma with Panama City in the background. 

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