Monday 24 October 2016

Sisters Take Orlando by Storm

So the plan is to fly with my sister, L, to Orlando tomorrow morning at 6:45 am - that is if I get out of the hospital in time!!

Things are not unfolding as I planned today!  It was going to be a fun day where I went to see my son, P play soccer. Instead, I took my eldest to the after hours medical clinic. They said JG needed to come to the emergency department for minor but urgent medical surgery. So now we wait. 

And my sister was due to come over to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone early this evening. After all, a girl needs some introduction to the world of Harry Potter before she visits Universal Studios!

Sunday 10 January 2016

Orlando Arrival

Well a business conference in Orlando has given me an excuse to come back to Disneyworld for a visit!

Great to have a direct flight from my home city to Orlando. Thank you WestJet!!

I was deemed a low risk threat in the security lineup in the airport because I got into the short line where you don't have to remove your shoes. Sweet!

And my suitcase was the first off the conveyer belt when we arrived in Orlando!  Hot diggity dog!  I grabbed my luggage and headed off to the Magical Express to catch the free bus to Disney's POP Century resort. 

The above is a typical Magical Express bus!

Upon arrival I checked in and asked about the groceries I had ordered through Garden Grocer. It was simple to pick up the order from the luggage service desk. They even kept the cold items refrigerated for me!  So great to have some basics like fruit, cheese yogurt, milk and veggies available to snack on right away. 

The room is basic, affordable and meets my needs. 

I took the free bus to Disney Springs (formerly known as Downtown Disney) for dinner. I enjoyed a Cobb salad and single piece of fish at Cooks's Diner or something like that. 

Had to stop at Ghiradelli to get my free piece of chocolate for dessert!

Above is a truly impressive Lego work of art - must be nearly 20 feet tall!

Safely back in the room and getting ready to retire to bed and adjust to the two hour time change!