Saturday 30 November 2013

Pesky Receipts

So my sister is already digging through her purse looking for her first purchase receipt. We have only made it to Houston!  The receipt was for 2 candy bars and a lanyard. Evidently her husband will want receipts for all purchases made.  So now she has actually found the receipt - sadly that location is in a garbage can and she was unwilling to dumpster dive!  Plan B is to return to the place of purchase to ask for a duplicate receipt!  At this very moment. L has returned with a handwritten receipt!

She only inconvenienced about 12 people in the lineup behind her to produce said receipt. The question is, will her husband even believe it is a real receipt?

Thursday 28 November 2013

Preparing for our Cruise

My packing room doubles as my guest room. As my Mom was arriving tonight, I needed to move everything from the bed to the suitcase, so that she had a place to sleep. 

You see my Mom, my sister and I are going on a trip to celebrate my Mom's 80th birthday. Mom and I will have some girl time together getting manicures and pedicures tomorrow morning. A little last minute shopping in the afternoon, and then we fly out the next day. 

Fort Lauderdale, here we come!  Stay tuned for updates!